What is The First R ?

Well, the 3 Rs refer to Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. So the first R, dear reader,is of course reading, and The First R is a web application for you!

An overview

The First R is a Flask web application where readers can sign up, log in and look up books and read and write reviews for them. The application also uses the Goodreads API to pull up Goodreads data for queried books. Finally, the web app comes with API access for users to query details about a book with its ISBN (/api<isbn>)

GitHub repository

The code for this project can be found at https://github.com/nivbhaskhar/The_First_R

Some screenshots of the web-app

Log in page Search page


Heroku was used to create and host the database for the application. A csv file with 5000 books’ data was used to populate the database. And in case you were wondering, yes, the images in the website are hand drawn!