If you’re searching for a quick way to make GIFs out of a folder full of images, the Pillow library in Python does the trick for you!


from PIL import Image
import os

#Change working directory to folder containing images to be GIF-fed
os.chdir("path_to_folder_with_images" )

#Ensure your images are in the order you want them to appear in the GIF
print("The images will be GIF-fed in the following order")

#Open the images as a PIL image object and store them in a list
images = []
for img_file_name in sorted(os.listdir()):
  img = Image.open(img_file_name)

#Save images to an output.gif
               save_all=True, append_images=images[1:], 
               duration=800, loop=0)


Main parameters of Image.save()

  • loop : loop=0 makes the GIF loop infinitely. loop=n makes the GIF loop n times.

  • duration : time in milliseconds each image will be displayed for